Earthian Society members make a commitment to take personal actions to help create a more caring and sustainable world. We believe we are what we DO, and that our actions do make a difference. As Mahatma Ghandi said “we must be the change we want to see in the world” … it’s up to us.
- Install energy-saving lightbulbs
- Unplug electronics when not in use
- Turn off unnecessary lights
- Turn your thermostat down by 1 degree
- Switch to a green energy provide
- Don’t air condition an empty room
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth
- Hang your laundry to dry instead of using the dryer
- Repair and refurbish things rather than buying new ones
- Do a house-cleaning and donate your discards – mobile phone, computer, books, eyeglasses, clothes, furniture, appliances
- Walk, bike or take transit to regular destinations
- Car pool
- Use a bicycle for short trips
- Turn your engine off if idling more than 10 seconds
- Make your next car purchase a hybrid
- Use recyclable shopping bags — decline plastic bags
- Support local business and local products
- Purchase environmentally-friendly products – cleaning products, laundry and dishwasher detergents
- Purchase paper products made from recycled paper – paper towels, bathroom tissue
- Buy fair-trade products
- Use a mug not a disposable cup
- Give to a charity that helps the poor – Salvation Army, Oxfam, etc.
- Adopt a child in the developing world – Foster Parents, Oxfam
- Give to your local food bank
- Plant a tree
- Stop using pesticides
- Pick up litter
- Recycle glass, metal, paper and plastic
- Compost organic kitchen waste
- Donate to the World Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, David Suzuki Foundation or similar environmental organization.
- Write a letter to your government representative on an issue you care about
- Participate in a demonstration or march
- Start a small vegetable garden
- Try baking bread, muffins, carrot cake, etc.
- Eat meat-free meals once a week
- Purchase locally-produced food
- Read an article on the global situation each week
- Exercise at least three times a week
- Greet everyone you meet with a smile
- Watch less tv
- Join a group
- Become a volunteer
- Find happiness and self-worth through non-material avenues; minimize consumption and status displays